

I interview people I am inspired by and write about things I am curious about. Hope you have a nice stay!

An Interview with Bohannah Gerritsen | owner, The Simple Folk

An Interview with Bohannah Gerritsen | owner, The Simple Folk

This interview first appeared on Your Zen Mama

My name is Bohannah (Bo for short) and I am a mama of two and expecting our third late January 2018. We live in Western Australia and are currently renovating a shed to become our living space for the next year or so. We are road-tripping, coffee-roasting, beach-loving dreamers! I love taking photos of my beautiful children and sharing them on my Instagram page.

Who’s in your family? Ages? Names?

Bohannah (Bo) 26

Tye 30

Indiana (Indi/Iggy) 3.5 years

Archer 2

Baby in my belly  21 gestational weeks


How did you choose your kids names?

Indiana is a name I’ve had in my head for the longest time, since I was a teenager. The moment we found out baby was a girl I knew that would be her name. There is one other name I have loved since forever and it will be the name of our next (if it’s a girl!) We had chosen a different name for Archer but friends of ours had a baby two months before he was born and had unknowingly chosen the same name.  We had to come up with a new name and Tye ultimately chose Archer (after searching on google for weeks) and it suits him to a T!



We live in the Perth hills of Western Australia



Stay at home mama!


What’s on your manifest board?

A shipping container house in Margaret River WA on a 5 acre block surrounded by chooks, vegetable gardens and fruit trees.

What is your favorite book?

A book that really resonates with me and has helped me understand life’s journey on a deeper level is Deepak Chopra’s ‘The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success’.  I recommend everyone reads this book at least once in their life. Alison Lester’s children’s picture books come a close second. –She’s my kids’ fave at the moment!

How do you unwind?

Relaxing on the deck in the sun is how I unwind during the day. At night I don’t mind binging on Netflix tv shows . . .  Have you seen Narcos yet?


Tell us some of your most loved ways to spend the day with your clan?

When we are at home, if weather permits, we love to be outside. We are lucky to have beautiful sunny weather in Perth so the kids spend most of their time naked in the sandpit and watering the garden (and themselves)! We also like to get to the beach as often as we can- either early in the morning or the evening for sunset. When hubby is home, we love venturing out to explore new places. (He does fly in fly out work.) We often go for day trips to the country or anywhere in close proximity to water — the ocean, dams, rivers etc.


What are some silly/fun things that the kids do or say? 

When we put on music at home (an everyday ritual) Indiana will run to her room and choose a tutu or as she likes to call it her “dressy dress”. Archer doesn’t want to miss out of course so he toddles on behind her and comes out with one of her tutus over his clothes. Then they spin around in circles dancing and it’s the best thing to watch, such innocence. The way they say certain words is always a good laugh.  The word spoon is ‘poon’ for Indi and ‘moon’ for Arch. Lately his favourite phrase is ‘something else’ which comes out as ‘mutming elsh’.


What is something you wish you had known before having kids?  

I wish I had known how much they could poo!


When you were a teenager what did you dream of? Do things look different?

I dreamt of being famous LOL so yes things are certainly different but I wouldn’t change a thing. My kids are a little bit insta famous haha . . . Does that count?


 What are some things you really believe in?

That our thoughts create our reality.  Putting my intent out into the universe has come to fruition in ways I never expected.  Practising gratitude daily is also very important to me.


Where do your passions lie?

Definitely with photography, nature and my children (more often than not combined).


How has your relationship with your other half changed since having kids?  How do you stay connected?

Oh yes I’m passionate about my hubby also! I can’t say much has changed. He’s always worked away so our time together is precious. We make time for each other when the kids are asleep.  We talk about our goals and our passions, things that make us happy and also what’s been frustrating us. We still laugh and carry on like we are in our early twenties. I love watching him with our kids.  Seeing how much he loves them makes me love him even more.


What are some of your favorite life lessons you’ve grown to love? (even if learning them at the time was hard)

Learning to let go of the need to control situations and also letting go of any negative energy. Becoming a mother has helped me to see what is really important and what knowledge I want to pass on to my children.


What do you wish you could’ve told yourself when you were a teenager?

To be confident, have faith in myself and take opportunities that might not come around again. Mostly to not let other people stop me from shining.


What do you find most challenging about being somebody’s parent?

Trying to understand a two year olds emotional needs. Each child has such a different personality so something that works for one doesn’t always work for the other.


What do you want your kids to learn about the world?

I want them to know that they don’t have to follow the paths of others, that they can make their own way in the world, the world they wish to live in.  I want them to appreciate the preciousness of nature, to live mindfully and consciously but most of all never to limit themselves. To follow their dreams and passions and grow their own food!


What are 4 things you can’t live without as a parent?

Wipes, apples, nappies and my camera.

Follow Bohannah at The Simple Folk

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