

I interview people I am inspired by and write about things I am curious about. Hope you have a nice stay!

An Interview with Karina Pires, textile designer: House of Six

An Interview with Karina Pires, textile designer: House of Six

This interview first appeared on Your Zen Mama

Who's in your family? Ages? Names?

We are a family of four. My husband, Dave, Gabrielle, my daughter who is 7, Sebastian my son who is 5 and myself, a lucky muma. 


How did you choose your kids names?

we wanted names that sounded right in both English and Portuguese, I am Brazilian and Dave is Australian. Gabrielle was on our list but it wasn't until she was born that we named her. We looked at her and said, she is Gabrielle, it also means God is my strength, and she is such a strong and determined little girl. Sebastian has been in my family, I had an uncle called Sebastiao. I love the sound of both their names, and they also both have 9 letters which is my lucky number. 



North Bondi, Sydney, Australia 



Textile designer 


What's on your manifest board?

Open your heart. Manifest your intentions. Let the universe take care of it. 


What is your favorite book?

Slow. Carl Honore 


How do you unwind? Tell us some of your most loved ways to spend the day with your clan?

Going to the beach and having a swim with the kids, watching them make sand castles and search for star fish and crabs.

We love long Sunday lunches at home, we take time to cook some delicious meals and spend time in the yard playing and chatting. My mum used to cook every weekend and we loved hanging around as a family of eight. 


What are some silly/fun things that the kids do or say?

They love telling jokes at the dinner table. It is usually about the banana who crossed the road or something stink! They always laugh at their own jokes which I find hilarious! They also love tattooing each other with pens, they both love drawing, I once found Sebastian in a full body tattoo, loving all of it! 


What is something you wish you had known before having kids?  

That kids don't necessarily stop you from achieving other goals such as having a career. 


When you were a teenager what did you dream of? Do things look different?

I dreamt of travelling the world and finding love. These two things have brought me all the happiness in the world, my family. 


What are some things you really believe in?

Love. Listening to your instincts. Cultivating Ki energy. Having a network of friends who support you and vice versa. That we must take care of ourselves as a whole, body, spirit and mind. 


Where do your passions lie?

My family, friends, travelling, real conversations, meditation, handmade textiles, slow living, health and travelling. 


How has your relationship with your other half changed since having kids?  How do you stay connected? 

We used to do a few activities together as partners eg yoga and that has changed, we now take turns! As we don't have immediate family close by our family grew close together. Our kids are used to coming out for weekend lunches with us since they were little and love when our friends are around. We enjoy travelling and exploring the world together, we learn so much through their curious minds! 


What are some of your favorite life lessons you've grown to love? (even if learning them at the time was hard) 

That you can't do it all on your own, and that is ok. 

As a mum you can't be a perfectionist otherwise you might loose sight of the fun side of things! A lot of the times I will leave the kitchen behind to have a play with the kids, zero guilt, 100% good for the soul! 

Kids love simple things and are so content with small gestures, I love that in their world. I often question our need as adults for more and faster. Your close friends are your extended family. 


What do you wish you could've told yourself when you were a teenager?

Being a mum I style best job you will ever have... maybe think about having kids earlier! I had my first daughter when I was 37 and my son when I was 39. I attempted many times to extend my family and wish I had the chance to have six children like my mum! I love a full house, the noise, all the fun that comes with it! 


What do you find most challenging about being somebody's parent?

The responsibility that I am the role they look up to, I am always asking if I could have done better. 


What do you want your kids to learn about the world?

To be care free, explore the world, connect to people... that nature is amazing and we should learn form it and connect with it, that there is a more natural and slower world out there, that they don't have to follow the mass, listen to their inside voices. 


What advice would you give a parent-to-be?

Don't make too many plans. Enjoy the ride. Love yourself and child every day. 


What is the best advice you have every received?

Give them million of kisses everyday and lots lots of love, that is all they really want from you. 


What are 4 things you can't live without as a parent?

  • Morning cuddles from my kids

  • Meditation

  • Good healthy food

  • Slow and laid back time together as a family



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