

I interview people I am inspired by and write about things I am curious about. Hope you have a nice stay!

An Interview with Markie Price | Press Strategy, Brand Partnerships + Events at Yumi

An Interview with Markie Price | Press Strategy, Brand Partnerships + Events at Yumi

This interview first appeared on Your Zen Mama

"There are so many things I think society and social media make you feel like you have to know and master right from the start in order to be considered a “good” mom, but motherhood is something you have to navigate on your own and grow into over time.  At the end of the day, we all forge our own path and do what we think is right at any given moment. All a baby really needs is to be safe and loved; if you have that, everything else will fall into place."  Markie is a lovely, super hard working mama of two boys.  We met through the beautiful team of women at Saje, and she is a delight!  

Interview by Kacy Byxbee, editor, Your Zen Mama


Who is in your family?

Myself, my husband Nick, and my two boys


Where are you from?

Chautauqua, New York


How old are your kiddos?

Tenley (5), and Armie (3)



I run Press Strategy, Brand Partnerships and Events at Yumi


How have things changed with your partner since you became parents?

Your life turns upside down and literally everything changes.  But the interesting and unexpected part, at least for me, was that I really didn’t mind leaving behind certain aspects of my former social life.  Being a mom forces you to prioritize your time and your relationships, and even though some friendships might fade away, what you’re left with (if you’re lucky) are the very best ones.  



What is your favorite thing to do as a family?

A simple Saturday morning breakfast in our Los Feliz neighborhood. Most weekends you'll find us at Homestate eating breakfast tacos with our awesome neighbors, who also happen to be our best friends.


Favorite book?

I don’t have one favorite book, but a few all-stars that I can always go back to and read over and over would be: Rules of Civility by Amor Towles, Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain, and Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro


What does self-care mean and look like for you?  What do you do for yourself?

Invest in good bedding.  My bedroom is a haven and my safe place at the end of the day.  If I couldn’t climb into a bed with crisp, percale sheets and a fluffy set of pillows each night, I’d probably go nuts.  We work our bodies so hard every day, so feeling my most comfortable and relaxed during those precious hours of sleep is essential.  I personally think it’s one of the best investments you can make for yourself.


What makes you feel sustained?

Receiving and giving unconditional love, no matter where it comes from



How do you maintain balance with work, a partner, kids, and yourself? Any tricks?

I have yet to meet anyone who has their life perfectly balanced.  A few times a month, I’ll book one of my kids’ favorite sitters to come for just a couple hours on a Saturday or Sunday, and my husband and I will get out of the house for a little day-date.  We’ll go play tennis, or grab lunch in the neighborhood. Sometimes it’s more enjoyable to go out during the day, versus going out for a fancy dinner or drinks in the evening (..because let’s be honest, most nights I’m in bed by 9).  I realize booking a sitter isn’t a groundbreaking hack, but I have learned that timing is important in order to fully enjoy that break.


What advice would you give to a new mom?

Well, I would say “don’t sweat the small stuff” except as a new mom you don’t really understand what the small stuff is until your kid is about 5 years old….it’s one of life’s cruel tricks.  During those early months and first years, just trust your instincts and try not to let yourself become overwhelmed with worry. There are so many things I think society and social media make you feel like you have to know and master right from the start in order to be considered a “good” mom, but motherhood is something you have to navigate on your own and grow into over time.  At the end of the day, we all forge our own path and do what we think is right at any given moment. All a baby really needs is to be safe and loved; if you have that, everything else will fall into place.


What is the best advice you have ever received?

Challenge and stretch yourself every chance you get. There is always room to improve; as a person, a parent, a friend - nobody is perfect and I believe we can all find ways everyday to challenge ourselves to be a better person.  Stay humble, work hard and always be kind.  Also, a good family friend once told me: “Every working woman needs her own wife.”  This blew my mind. It sounds indulgent, but I do believe it’s so important to have the right support at home so you can go to work and give 110%


What are 4 things you can't live without?

I’m going to assume that friends, offspring and immediate family are a given here? ;) So I’ll go with:

1- Lip balm.  I am completely addicted.  My tried and true brand is Natural Ice and I order it in bulk on Amazon. My mom was never without a stick of it in her pocket or handbag when I was growing up, so it always reminds me of her.   If I’m feeling like a splurge, I love By Terry Baume de Rose.

2 - Sparkling water.  I’m partial to La Croix (because who isn’t?), and need at least a couple glasses of bubbles every day.  I suppose technically I could ‘live’ without this, but it would be hard!

3 - Exercise.  Whether its a brisk walk around the block, a quick tennis volley with a friend, or a full on Barry’s class, I need daily endorphins to feel my best.

4 -  Bioderma Micellar Water. This French pharmacy brand has been a staple in my medicine cabinet for years. Even on days where I’m not wearing any makeup, I have to swipe this across my face at the end of the day in order to feel like my skin is 100% clean before heading off to bed.  I’m always shocked at what it picks up.


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