

I interview people I am inspired by and write about things I am curious about. Hope you have a nice stay!

An Interview with Krista Sartin | owner, Kantha Bae

An Interview with Krista Sartin | owner, Kantha Bae

This Interview first appeared on Your Zen Mama

Krista came onto our radar because of her gorgeous Kantha ring slings.  Besides being aesthetically beautiful, Krista's company, Kantha Bae, works with Basha Enterprises in West Bengal to support local rescued women that embroider her fabrics.  She's expanded to include baby blankets and head wrap,s and we all around delight in her vibe.  Hope you do too.

interview by Kacy Byxbee, editor, Your Zen Mama


Who is in your family? 

Landon (hubs) Lagen (9) LaRue (7) Amory (5) Kai (3) Atticus (1)


Where are you from? 

Nashville, TN



Owner/ Designer of Kantha Bae and Silver Leader Distributor of Young Living Essential Oils.



What gave you the idea for Kantha Bae? 

I love to sew and love Kantha embroidered fabric. After having my third baby, I wanted a wrap carrier that was lightweight and supportive to wear my babes in. Kantha embroidered cotton is light and strong so the first Kantha Wrap Carrier was born. So many friends and family loved it and wanted one too. I started an Etsy shop and an instagram, and it just quickly grew. I get to support other mothers now too through my partnership with Basha Enterprises in West Bengal. My shop supports the rescued women that embroider the fabrics you find.



How have things changed with your partner since you became parents? 

Our hands and hearts are full to overflowing. It is such a joy, but also a constant endeavor to find balance. We are learning...


What is your favorite thing to do as a family? 

Go fishing...everybody takes a pole and I grab blanket and a book!



What are you reading? 

Bird by Bird, Anne Lamott


Where do you feel most inspired? 

Sitting across the table from my husband or a friend eating a good meal and sharing life. I dream there, vent there, be still there.


What does femininity mean to you? 

Kindness, Bravery, Love



What’s the most challenging part about being a mom? 

Mom guilt...I heard Jerry Seinfield make a comment about kids, "Kids don't really need anything, they just need you." So, so true... In my pursuit to be all they need, I can allow myself to think I'm not enough...but I am. Just showing up for them every day is all they need, but the mom guilt can be so real some days.


What do the day to day operations look like for you? 

Well, I am so grateful to have a team around me now. There are 6 of us...each with different roles.  I am the creativity and they are the details. I used to wear all the hats, but not anymore! The Voxer app has changed my world. Hands free communication with everyone helps so much.


How do you maintain balance with work, a partner, kids, and yourself? 

Any tricks? Ahhh, again...a constant endeavor to find balance. It truly takes a village. My hubs works a lot from home and we have a good flow of give and take, and the circle of mamas around me help carry the load too! I don't do life alone because I don't believe we were meant to. Some days are really hard, but I speak out loud often..."Walk through today with your hands open, without fear." "Be here, Yesterday is gone and tomorrow isn't promised." These truths help me stay balanced mentally and focused on reality instead of my perception of it.


What does self-care mean and look like for you?  What do you do for yourself? 

I run...4-5 times a week to clear my head and reset! It's the best ever. I also use the Calm app to my mind to be still has been huge for me.



What advice do you have for young entrepreneurs? 

Just jump....go with your gut! And be kind....kindness will cost you something but you'll gain everything in return.


What makes you feel sustained? 



What advice do you have for new mothers? 

Learn to "be" instead of "do"


What is the best advice you have ever received? 

"Just keep walking...."


What are 4 things you can't live without? 

4 things...hmmm.

My man...

Kantha (not a joke) I use it for can be clothing, shelter, warmth.

My essential oils.




Follow Krista

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